A picasso | Version anglaise Théâtre de Nesle - grande salle Affiche

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où cet événement eut lieu :
Théâtre de Nesle - grande salle , 75006 Paris

A picasso
Version anglaise

de Jeffrey Hatcher , mis en scène par Steven Ullman, Natalia Lazarus

Théâtre de Nesle, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -

En ce moment dans cette salle :

Critiques de la presse

" Perfectly directed, impeccably acted. Art, politics, and the role of art in society, herein is the theme of this play, one which is never outdated, always exciting, an excellent translation,dramaturgy, and spatial arrangement that leads to reflection on the place of art in the world. Jean-Max Méjean "

" Lui campe le peintre espagnol avec une intensité corporelle qui n'est pas sans rappeler " l'Actors Studio touch " ; Elle incarne avec force conviction une attachée culturelle du Riech "

Froggy's Delight " "A Picasso" is not a hagiography of the Iberian genius . The play of Jeffrey Hatcher allows two excellent actors to hold spellbound a public immediately acquired to a plot marked by twists.Philippe Person "

Webthea " Charles Fathy made a remarkable Picasso, a man sure of his genius, but mischievous big mouth, with an intense look. Natalia Lazarus gives his partner a nervous reply; she knows how to compose both an official and a woman carried away by her own personality. Gilles Costaz "

Entertainment weekly " Playwright Jeffrey Hatcher's drama artfully combines a threatening atmosphere with a charged debate on art and politics. The grounded performances and pleasantly nuanced arguments are enough to keep the work vivid and compelling. "